GPS coordinates:
- Latitude: 43.966528
- Longitude : -1.129551
From Paris, the A10 then A63, exit 13 Lesperon (the exit is free)
From Toulouse, the A64 then A63 direction Bordeaux, exit 13 Lesperon (the exit is free).
From Bordeaux, the A63, exit 13 Lesperon (the exit is free)
From Spain, Bayonne, Biarritz the A63, exit 13 Lesperon (the exit is free).
At exit 13, follow the direction to the Lesperon village; after the church, turn right, At exit 13, follow the direction to the Lesperon village; after the church, turn right, direction Linxe, you will find the campsite three kms further on.